How to Make Fermented Grape Drink

What's so special about Grapes?
As well as being delicious, the nutrients in grapes may help protect against cancer, eye problems, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions.
Resveratrol is a key nutrient in grapes that may offer health benefits.
Grapes are a good source of fiber, potassium, and a range of vitamins and other minerals.
Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. One of these is resveratrol, it's found in the skins of red grapes. The resveratrol, is thought to have antioxidant, lipid-lowering, and anti-inflammatory actions that may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). They may achieve this by preventing platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure and the risk of irregular heart rhythms.
How to Make Fermented Grape Drink Video

How to Make Fermented Grape Drink
We're going to begin with our starter culture aka the mother.
Other fermented drinks have different starters, like Kombucha has a SCOBY, with Kefir, you have Kefir grains.
When it comes to my drinks, I like to make my starters from scratch using the fruit or vegetable that is the protagonist of the recipe, the main reason for this is I know where it comes from this way and I don't want to compromise the flavour by bringing in different microorganisms, plus it's super easy to do.
Grape Starter
Ingredients & Equipment:
- A handful of grapes cut in half.
- A few tablespoons of Sugar (Raw Cane Sugar if possible)
- 500ml Water - Filtered if possible as to avoid chemicals in the water
- Kilner Jar or alternative jar that can be sealed airtight
To make this we're going to take our water and add it to our sterilised kilner jar (or similar) and put the grapes in there and add a tablespoon of sugar (raw cane sugar if possible).
We're going to leave this out a room temperature and we're going add the same amount of grapes and sugar to the mix daily until we start to see bubbles forming.
This length of time for this process can vary depending on temperature of the room, but expect it to take anywhere between 3 and 10 days.
Fermented Grape Drink
Ingredients to make 1 litre of soda:
- 40g Grape Starter
- 180g Grapes
- 15g Lemon Juice
- 70g Sugar (Raw Cane Sugar if possible)
- 700g water (filtered water)
We're going to take 40g of our starter that's been strained and add it to 700g of water in a freshly sterilised container and then we'll mix in our sugar and squeeze in lemon juice.
Seal it in the container and leave out at ambient temperatures until you see bubbles form.
Once it's there, drain it and transfer it to a sterilised bottle or bottles of your choice. I usually then refrigerate it at below 5°C and leave it for a day or 2 before checking to see if the secondary (in the bottle) fermentation has kicked in.
If it's not fizzy enough for you, you can leave it out at ambient temperatures overnight to get it to your liking.
It will most likely last for about 4 weeks in the fridge.